
Head of Department

Dr. Adarsha Kumar Jena
Ph.D(NIT Rourkela)




Dr. Tikaram Subedi Associate Professor

Ph.D, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong

Research Interest

Abstract Algebra (Ring Theory)

Education Qualification

Ph.D, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong

Teaching Experience

1. Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya from 01-06-2012 to continuing

2. Assistant Professor, St Anthony's College Shillong, from 24-03-2007 to 31-05-2012

3. Assistant Professor, St. Edmund's College Shillong, from 25-05-2006 to 24-03-2007


  1. Dibyasman Sarma and Tikaram Subedi, The probability that the product of three elements in a finite ring is zero, Accepted in Journal of Algebra and its Applications (2024)   (doi: )
  2. Sanjiv Subba and Tikaram Subedi, An extension of semicommutative rings via reflexivity,  Accepted in Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Al I Cuza Din Iasi-Serie Noua Matematica.(2024)
  3. Tikaram Subedi and Debraj Roy, Revisiting J-semicommutative rings,  Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(2024) (doi: )
  4. Sanjiv Subba, Tikaram Subedi and Ardeline M. Buhphang, Pointwise semicommutative rings,  Mathematical Notes,   114(6)(2023), 1350-1357
  5. Sanjiv Subba and Tikaram Subedi, NJ-semicommutative rings,  Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 24 (3), (2023), 1569-1579
  6. Sanjiv Subba and Tikaram Subedi, Left Nil Zero Semicommutative Rings ,  Bulletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica, 41 (2023), 1-8
  7. Debraj Roy, Sanjiv Subba and Tikaram Subedi, Domain Property of rings relative to Jacobson radical,   Annali Del Universita Di Ferrara. 69 (2023),195-202
  8. Debraj Roy and Tikaram Subedi, Symmetricity of rings relative to the prime radical , Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica, 41(2023), 1-6
  9. Debraj Roy and Tikaram Subedi, On semireversible rings, Asian European Journal of Mathematics, 15(2) (2021), 2150018
  10. T. Subedi and D. Roy, On a common generalization of symmetric rings and quasi duo rings, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 29 (2) (2020), 249-258
  11. Debraj Roy and  Tikaram Subedi, Generalized semicommutative rings, Vestnik, St. Petersberg University, Mathematics,  53 (2020), 68-76
  12. Debraj Roy and  Tikaram Subedi, On a generalization of reversible rings, An. Stiint.Al.I. Cuza lasi. Mat (N.S) , 65(2) (2019), 331-340
  13. Tikaram Subedi and  Ardeline Mary Buhphang, On Left SF-rings and strongly regular rings, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 56 (3) (2016), 861-866
  14. Tikaram  Subedi and A.M Buhphang, On strongly regular rings and generalizations of v-rings, International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 14 (2013), 10-18
  15. Tikaram  Subedi and  Ardeline Mary  Buhphang, On SF-rings and regular rings, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 53(3)(2013), 397-406
  16. Tikaram Subedi and  A.M. Buhphang, On strongly regular rings and generalizations of semicommutative rings, International Mathematical Forum, 7(16) (2012),  777-790
  17. Tikaram Subedi  and  A. M. Buhphang, On Weakly regular rings and generalizations of V-rings, International Electronic Journal of algebra, 10(2011), 162-173


Sl No.Author NameTitlePublisherISBN NoPagesYear
1T. SubediRings Over Which Some Classes of Modules are Flat: A surveyLambert Academic Publishing978-3330059627
3T. SubediA Study of Rings Over Which Some Modules are Flat or YJ-injectiveLamber Academic Publishing978-3-330-06294-8

Courses Taught

Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Measure Theory, Topology, Advanced Ring Theory, Engineering Mathematics-I,  Engineering Mathematics-II, Engineering  Mathematics-III, Mathemartics-I, Mathematics-II, Mathematics-III, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Integral Transform and PDEs, Scientific Computing, Mathematics Laboratory, Advanced Calculus, Statics


Sl No.Title of ProjectPICO-PIFunding AgencySanctioned AmountStartYr - EndYr (Duration)StatusProject Type
1A generalization of semicommutative ringsT. SubediNANIT, Meghalaya250002016-2018completedStartup

Students Supervised/supervising

  • Ph.D 
  • 1. Debraj Roy, Title: Subclasses of J- semicommutative rings (Completed in 2020)
  • 2. Sanjiv Subba (Thesis Submitted)
  • 3. Dibyasman Sarma (ongoing)

  • M.Sc (completed)
  • 1. Nisha Mishra, , Title: Harmonic Numbers, 2016-2017
  • 2. Amrich Kupar Kurbah,  Title: Some ring Theoretic concepts in Monoids and semigroup, 2016-2017
  • 3. Amrich Kupar Kurbah,  Title: von Neumann Regular Rings and some generalization of nil clean rings, 2016-2017
  • 4. Teidor Khyllep, Title: Algebraic Coding Theory, 2017-2018
  • 5. Bhagyashree Patgiri: Title: Generalization of ideals, 2018-2019
  • 6. Donkupar Dkhar, Title: Pseudo Primes, 2018-2019
  • 7. Bichu George: Title: Generalizations of weakly regular rings, 2019-2020
  • 8. Chandan Kumar Akela, Title: Rings with some commutative conditions, 2019-2020
  • 9. Banrisuk Suting,  Title: Nilradical of some classes of rings, 2020-2021
  • 10. Provid Longthasa, Title: Commuting probabaility of finite rings, 2021-2022
  • 11. Lily Sharon Lyngdoh, Title: A study of some classes of Ideals in commutative rings, 20222-2023
  • 12. Nabonita  Saha, Title: A study of some probabilities in finite rings, 2023-2024  

Administrative Responsibilty Held

1. Chairman, ABC committee (19-07-2024 to continuing)

2. Chairman Examination Committee (07-09-2017 to 30-06-2020 and 13-05 -2024 to continuing)

3. Chairman, Time table Committee (04-07-2023 to 14-05-2024)

4. Convenor,  Examination Malpractice Committee (22-06-2022 to continuing)

5. Head Department of Mathematics (17-08-2015 to 16-08-2017)

6. Warden NIT Meghalaya Hostel (30-01-2015 to 30-06-2017)

7. NIT Meghalaya Admission (Central Counselling Board) Incharge  (2012)