Spirit of DIC
Design Innovation Center is conceptualized to promote, nurture and advance the culture of design innovation in the country leading to significant contributions and breakthroughs impacting quality of human life.
Objectives of DIC
Design-focused innovation & creativity, culture of innovation & creative problem solving, knowledge sharing and collaboration among stake holders. Classroom projects to market/people, Academia-industry interaction & Academia-social interaction.
Objectives of DIC in context of North-East
Culture of innovation and creative problem solving, knowledge sharing among stake holders Academia-social interaction Academia-industry interaction.
Salient facts of DIC proposal
Project became effective on 26th March 2014.
It will end on 30 September 2017
Total budget: Rs. 10 crore
Total budget allotted for 3 spoke institutes: Rs. 3 crore
Total budget allotted for NIT Meghalaya: Rs. 1crore
DIC stakeholders