Project Undergoing

Title of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator & Designation Name of the Co- Investigator & Designation Estimated Total Cost


Design and Development of the Small Wind Turbine Combined with Solar system for Household Application

Dr.Bikash Kumar Sarkar Dr. Deba Kumar Sarma, Dr.SubhenduMaity, Assistant Professor, ME Deptt. 3.984 lakhs


Design and Fabrication of Pineapple slicer

Dr.Tanmoy Bose, Assistant Professor, ME Deptt. Nil 0.75 lakh


Design and Fabrication of Corn (Maize) Shelling Machine to Promote Productivity of Corn in Meghalaya

Dr. Koushik Das, Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya Dr. Deba Kumar Sarma Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya 2.944lakh


Design and Fabrication of Coconut Deshelling Machine for Domestic and Small-Scale Industry Applications

Dr.ManeswarRahang Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya NIL 3.244 Lakhs


A low cost Thermoelectric Generator based energy generating probe that can be used with existing stoves in rural villages in North-East India

Dr. Deba Kumar Sarma Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya Mr. UddipKashyap Research Scholar, NIT Meghalaya Mr.Bidyut Borah Research Scholar, IIT Madras Mr.MeinamAnnebushan Singh Research Scholar, NIT Meghalaya 1.1 lakhs


Bioremediation of Waste Water-Employing a low cost waste water cell.

Dr.Susmita Sharma Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya NIL 3.5 lakhs


Design of a shallow water turbine for energy harvesting, utilizing stream water in hilly places

Dr. Deba Kumar Sarma Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya Dr. Koushik Das Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya Mr. UddipKashyap Research Scholar, NIT Meghalaya Mr.MeinamAnnebushan Singh Research Scholar, NIT Meghalaya 13.668 lakhs


Design and development of the Nano-hydro Turbine for Standalone Household Power Generation

Dr.Bikash Kumar Sarkar Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya Dr.Hriday Mani Kalita Assistant Professor, NIT Meghalaya 1.1 lakhs


Standalone solar tea/coffee maker cum multipurpose water heating system

Dr.Rajat S. Das, ME Dept. Dr.SanjoyDebbarma, EE Dept. Dr. Kishore Debnath, ME Dept. Mr.SushantaNath, EE Dept. 8.572 lakhs


Shoebox Science laboratory for class X students of Meghalaya Board (MBOSE).

Dr.AyonBhattacharjee, Physics Dept. nil 1.10 lakhs

Other Sponsored Projects undergoing in DIC

SL No. Title of the Project Name of the Investigator Mentor Sponsored Organization & Duration Estimated Total Cost
1 Poultry Management System for Small Scale Business in Rural Areas Uddip Kashyap Dr D. K. Sarma DSIR-PRISM, GOI  2018-19 DSIR- Rs 60,339 Promoters-Rs 6500
2 Pulley Assisted Water Carrier Subhasish Das Dr D. K. Sarma DSIR-PRISM, GOI  2018-19 DSIR- Rs 78,000 Promoters- Rs8000
3 Go- Kart 1. Varish Agarwal (Team Captain)
2. Devashish Dubey (Vice- Captain)
3. Nitesh Kumar
4. Deepak Kumar
5. Kapil Kumar Meena
6. Gunsa Irma Ch. Marak
7. Sushant Kumar
8. Md Imdadul Islam
9. Akash Shukla
10. Jayaditya Shanmugam Tenampet
Dr D. K. Sarma TEQIP-III Rs 1, 74,200