Dated: 19-12-2024

Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates through walk–in–written test and interview on 27th January, 2025 at 11:00 A.M. for the Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in the following research project:

Title: DEWS – Drought Early Warning System.

Name of the Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Shubhankar Majumdar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (EC).

No. of posts available: 1 (One)

Duration of the project:  3 (Three) Years (Jan 2025 – Dec 2027)

Sl. No.

Name of the post and salary/fellowship

Eligibility Criteria

Name of the Project

Preferred Area


Junior Research Fellow (JRF): 01 No.

Fellowship will be @ INR 37000/- p.m., plus 8% HRA will be given

The fellowship is available for a maximum period of 3 years / until the end of the project.


Candidates are allowed to pursue a PhD as per the institute norms.

Candidates with an M.Tech / M.E. in Satellite, Remote Sensing, AI, Data science, microelectronics, or related disciplines with experience in python or satellite data analysis


M.Sc. with valid GATE / NET qualification. M.Sc in Physics/ Statistics/ Electronics/ Data Science/ MCA/ Computer science


GATE-qualified candidates with a B.Tech. / B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering or related disciplines.

Knowledge of python tools is preferable.

DEWS – Drought Early Warning System.





  • Satellite Data analysis
  • Sensor Design
  • IoT
  • Remote Sensing
  • AI
  • PCB Design
  • Data Science



Date of Walk–in–Written Test and Interview:   27/01/2025

Time of Walk–in–Written Test and Interview:   11:00 A.M.

Venue:             (Later will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates)

                        Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT Meghalaya

                                    Sohra Campus or Bijni Complex Shillong

Application Form

How to apply:


  1. Candidates possessing the requisite qualifications and experience should bring the filled application form in the attached format. Walk–In–Written Test and Interview date is 27/01/2025
  2. A soft PDF copy of the duly filled-up application form, age proof certificate, 10th, 12th, and highest qualification-degree certificates, and mark sheets must be sent (in a merged format single PDF) via email to Dr. Shubhankar Majumdar ( The email's subject should be “Application for JRF Position (NAVIC Project) in the Department of ECE” before attending the interview.
  3. Mere possession of the minimum qualification does not guarantee an invitation to the interview. The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof.
  4. No TA/DA shall be paid to candidates for attending the interview and / or joining the position.




Dr. Shubhankar Majumdar, Principal Investigator (PI)

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

NIT Meghalaya, Shillong- 793003

Bijni Complex, Laitumkhrah