Dated: 11-07-2023

Period of appointment: The appointment is for one semester only i.e. Autumn Semester 2023 (Purely on a temporary / contractual basis).




No. of Post


Essential Qualification



Electrical Engineering (EE)

1.  B.Tech/B.E in EE or EEE

2. Ph.D (completed or thesis submitted) with specialization in Electric Drives / Microprocessor Interfacing / Power Systems / Power Electronics /Control Systems

The selected candidate may be paid a consolidated pay of ₹65,000/- (Ph.D. completed) or ₹55,000/-(Ph.D. submitted) per month as per the institute norms.

How to apply:

  1. Interested candidates need to fill in the required data in the attached application form. The duly filled application form may submit in soft copy along with the scanned copies of original documents mentioned in the application form for verification.
  2. The candidates must carry the duly filled original application form along with all the relevant original documents (with one set of Xerox copy) on the day of walk-in interview. The mode of Interview is Physical only and request for an online will not be entertained.
  3. Incomplete application form shall not be considered for further process.
  4. The duly filled application form may be sent to email id:

    The subject of the email should be “Ad-hoc Faculty Post_candidate name_EE_2023.

  5. The walk-in interview will be held tentatively on 25TH July, 2023 from 09:30 am onwards  at Department of EE, NIT Meghalaya, Bijni Complex, Laitumkhrah, Shillong.
  6. The candidates are required to attend the walk-in interview in the Department of EE.
    No separate email/correspondence will be sent to the candidates for above interview.
  7. No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview.
  8. The authority reserves the right of accepting/rejecting any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof.
  9. The above position is purely temporary.
  10. Candidates must be ready to join on 31ST July, 2023, if selected.

Application Form



(Head of Department)

Department of Electrical Engineering