Sl. No. | Title of the Project | Investigator(P.I./Co P.I.) | Funding Agency | Funding amount | Duration | Status |
1. | Studies on Orthoconic Antiferreoelectric liquid crystals | Prof. A Bhattacharjee | DST-SERB | 20,0208/- | 3 years | Completed |
2. | Lab in a Shoebox | Prof. A Bhattacharjee | DIC | 110000/- | 1 years | Completed |
3. | A study SnO2 nanoflakes doped liquid crystals | Prof. A Bhattacharjee | TEQIP Minor Project | 195000/- | 2 years | Completed |
4. | Fluid Dynamical Aspects in nucleation of laser produced nanoparticles in liquids | Dr. Arpita Nath | DST-SERBECR | 51,66,893/- | 3 years | Completed |
5. | Surface Waves from Electric Spark Generated Bubbles | Dr. Arpita Nath | TEQIP Minor Project | 1,90,000/- | 2 years | Completed |
6. | Defect induced electronphonon interaction in ZnO nanoparticles | Dr. K. Senthilkumar | UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research | 1,75,000/- | 3 years | Completed |
7. | Photocurrent performance of ion implanted Iron Pyrite (FeS2) thin film as hole transport layer for the CZTS based solar cell | Dr. K. Senthilkumar | IUAC | 10,50,000/- | 3 years | Ongoing |
8. | Fabrication of 2D Materials for Energy Harvesting Devices | Dr. K. Senthilkumar | DST-FIST | 160,00,000/- | 5 years | Ongoing |
9. | Exploring High Density Magnetic Medium in Nanocrystalline Spinel Ferrites for Magnetic Recording System | Dr. Tribedi Bora | DST-SERB | 21,71,730/- | 3 years | Completed |
10. | Transport of a dimer in an inhomogeneous ratchet with spatially varying friction coefficient) | Dr. W. L. Reenbohn | DST-SERB | 35,03,791 /- | 3 years | Ongoing |
11. | Bound on sterile neutrino decay width and mixing angle with active neutrino using global 21cm absorption signal, SERB- DST, (SRG/2021/002291) | Dr Alekha C. Nayak | DST-SERB | 11,27,522 /- | 2 years | Ongoing |